Shows and Scripts
Fusion Science Theater is proud to make their shows available to the public. Each show script was developed through a process of writing, rehearsal, performance, assessment and revision. This cycle was repeated over and over until evaluation confirmed the show was successful at increasing self-efficacy, enjoyment, interest, and understanding. All shows align with the Next Generation Science Standards.
You can access shows in two ways:
1. Purchase a Production Kit
Kits for “Will It Light?”, “Atom in a Solid,” and “Bouncemania!” are available for purchase from the Institute for Chemical Education for a nominal fee. Kits include a script, performance handbook, video of show, digital files for signs and music, and assessment tools and instructions. Atom in a Solid and Bouncemania! are packaged in one kit. Click the following links for a description of the kits and an order form.
2. Request a script using the Contact Us form on this website
Because FST was funded by the National Science Foundation, all other scripts are available upon request. Contact Us to request a script.
Scripts can be used for unlimited performances. However, all scripts remain the property of the author and are protected by copyright law. They cannot be modified in any way without written permission from Holly Walter Kerby. Also, the script author(s), Fusion Science Theater, and the National Science Foundation must be acknowledged in writing whenever this show is performed, quoted, promoted or discussed in media.
Will it Light? (Kit available through Institute for Chemical Education)
A scientist and silent assistant lead this investigation into the nature of conductivity by testing and modeling the flow of electricity through select substances and solutions. [25 minutes]
Bouncemania! (Kit available through Institute for Chemical Education)
This one-person, street-style show features a “Wrestlemania”-style match between two balls. The audience predicts which contestant will be crowned “The World’s Bounciest Ball.” [10 minutes]
An Atom in a Solid (Kit available through Institute for Chemical Education)
An interactive dramatization of how atoms move in the solid phase. [7 minutes]
The Burning Question:
Presented as a television game show, The Burning Question investigates rates of combustion by asking: “What makes the loudest boom?” [35 minutes]
The show’s host and “special guest” scientist lead the audience through the steps of the scientific method in segments like “Vote your Prediction,” and “The Experiment Zone.” The audience participates with call and response, Q&A, and physical dramatization. Pre- and post-lesson assessment is embedded in the show.
The Boiling Point:
The characters, a scientist and silent assistant, use the scientific method to lead audiences in figuring out the answer to the question: “What happens to water molecules when the water boils?” The audience helps through Q&A and by modeling the process of vaporization in the “Dance of the Water Molecules.” Pre- and post-lesson assessment is embedded in the show.[30 minutes]
How the Ball Bounces:
Using Smart/Stupid balls, a scientist and a Certified Demo Investigator (CDI) investigate the relationship between molecular structure and “bounceability.” The audience participates in the investigation through call and response, Q&A, and a physical dramatization of the polymer structure. Pre- and post-lesson assessment is embedded in the show. [20 minutes]
Race to the Glow: During a demo show about glow sticks, the scientist is interrupted by a search and rescue worker who asks “How do you make a glow stick brighter?” The characters lead the audience in an investigation of rates of reaction through demonstrations, call and response, Q&A and physical dramatization. Pre- and post-lesson assessment is embedded in the show. [30 minutes]