Creating a 3-minute talk in 1 hour

Here’s the set of cards you’ll need for our Storyform Science Lightning Workshop: Creating a 3-minute talk in 1 hour.
Before you download, we’d like a little information about you; don’t worry, innocuous stuff. Also, developing these cards/workshop has taken years and lots of our own money. Please donate whatever you can to help defray these costs. But, if you can’t donate anything, that’s OK. The most important this is that you try out this method and create great talks.

Each of the downloads below are the same, they just have different prices depending on what you can afford to pay.
$100 - This a really worthy project and I would really like to help!
$50 - This a worthy project and I would like to help.
$25 - Suggested.
$10 - I can afford a little
$0 - I cannot afford anything.
